Pay Screening Fee
You must have your application submitted with the application fee in order to be considered for a property. Use the PayPal payment form to complete your payment. The screening fee must be paid per adult applicant, 18 or older.
Here's what is required:
- One application per adult (18 or older) - use property specific application link on listing
- A non-refundable screening fee per applicant – If using PayPal, fee may apply.
- Photo ID uploaded to each application
- Proof of income uploaded to application (paycheck stub, offer letter, etc.)
Please read the Application Process and Rental Agreement Fees found on our Applicants page for our specific screening criteria. We process our applications on a first come, first serve basis. We will refund your screening fee if a previous applicant has been approved.
Pay Screening Fee:
To fill out an online application:
- Go to our Available Rentals
- Find the property you wish to apply to and click 'View Details'
- On the property listing page, click 'Apply Now'