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Hot Tubs, Sheds and Access Restrictions: Portland Property Management Guide

There are two common questions that we often get in the property management business. The first one is, what do we do if we have a pool or a hot tub? The second question is about whether access restrictions, and what happens when a landlord wants to store personal property in the home while a tenant is living there. Since these questions are so popular, we’re going to talk about them a little bit.

Pools and Hot Tubs

The major factor with the pools and the hot tubs is maintenance. You have to consider who will maintain those features on your property. It can be the tenant or you. At Jim McNeeley Real Estate, we always recommend that you do not include your tenants in the maintenance responsibilities when it comes to taking care of your pool or your hot tub. There are two major reasons why. First, you don’t want the tenants to get hurt while cleaning or maintaining something that you have provided on the property. That could be a huge liability issue. Second, the chances are not good that the tenant will be able to maintain the pool or the hot tub the way you want them to be maintained. Take care of the maintenance yourself, and hire a service to clean the pool or service the hot tub on a regular basis.

Access Restrictions

If you store your own belongings on the property you are renting out, you need to understand that you will not be able to just come and go whenever you want to get your stuff or check on whatever you’ve left behind. You are going to need to give your tenants notice, and you’re also going to have to be considerate of their space and privacy. Let’s say you have left a lot of things in the basement of the house; you cannot show up every week to go through it, or take things out or bring in new things. It’s disruptive to your tenants. You will also need to think about the reduction in rent you might need to provide. Tenants are not going to want to rent part of your house; they want to be able to use the whole property. That’s why they are moving in there.

Hot Tubs Sheds Restrictions Portland Property Management Guide

If you have any questions on how to handle your pools, hot tubs or any access restrictions you might need to think about, please contact us at Jim McNeeley Real Estate.